Meet Our Staff


We have a highly qualified and experienced staff team and we also provide support and mentoring for individuals in the team working towards qualifications. In addition, the staff all have training in Paedriatic First Aid, Child Protection, Food Hygiene and E-Safety.


Our staff have lots of opportunities to continue their professional development and ensure they keep up-to-date with the latest thinking in early years care and education. Much of this training is provided by PATA and ensures that your child receives the best care and learning experiences possible. We also sometimes have students with us who are training to be early years practitioners. These are always supervised and we will make sure that you know who they are.


The staff working at our setting are:

Photograph of PATA @ Winchcombe Manager wearing a purple polo shirt and glasses.

Mandy Coombes

Manager, Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), SENDCo,

Forest School Leader

Jasmine Curr

Deputy Manager


Early Years Practitioner


Early Years Practitioner


Early Years Practitioner


Early Years Practitioner


Early Years Practitioner